by nynt on December 7th, 2017

Friday, December 8 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: 500th Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down and Benny’s last night w/Jonathan Toubin and friends, 10:30pm – 4am, $5: New York Night Train’s weekly Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” fiesta! This week is kinda special because its our 500th party since Shakin’ All Over moved to Home Sweet Home in April 2008! It’s also beloved bartender Benny Thomson’s last night of work after a decade of service! The end of an era! And a big milestone! Get down in the basement for the 500th time!
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by nynt on December 1st, 2017

Friday, December 1 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Black Friday Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin , 10:30pm – 4am, $5: New York Night Train’s weekly Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down fiesta! Do the wiggle to the wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom of Jonathan Toubin’s most exciting and exquisite o.g. 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl turning ’round and ’round ’til the wee wee hours! Eccentric postcards from the old weird America addressed to you in the here and now! The wild rumble way down deep below the big city after dark! NYC’s longest-running weekly rock’n’roll dance and a NYC institution since 2008… Get down in the basement!
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Saturday, December 2 New York, NY – Brooklyn Night Bazaar: NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off w/Jonathan Toubin and the NY Night Train Shadow Dancers, Donnie’s English Disco Glam Party with Don Bolles (Germs), Alix Brown (La Femme), William Martin (Radio Heartbeat) and Anna Copa Cabanna, live performances by Breanna Barbara, Surfbort, and Animal Show, all night Rock’n’Roll Market, and more… Jonathan Toubin and the 21st Century’s most popular and most prolific soul party return home to NYC for the first time since the Madison Square Park gig in July! Shake a tail feather ’til late to thee NY Night Train soul proprietor’s 45rpm soul fire accompanied by the New York Night Train Shadow Dancers! Get down in the basement as legendary Germs/Ariel Pink/etc drummer Don Bolles brings his Velvet Tinmine glam dance party to NYC for the first time ever accompanied by Alix Brown (La Femme), William Martin (Radio Heartbeat) and Anna Copa Cabanna! Get their early to get rocked by live performances by Breanna Barbara, Surfbort, and Animal Show! And make sure and hit up the Rock’n’Roll Market and get your early holiday shopping done with Rebel Rouser, The Record Grouch, Metropolis Vintage, and much more… Make a night of it! And get cheap $10 tickets now!
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by nynt on November 22nd, 2017

Friday, November 24 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Black Friday Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin , 10:30pm – 4am, $5: New York Night Train’s annual Black Friday edition of thee Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down fiesta! Do the wiggle to the wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom of Jonathan Toubin’s most exciting and exquisite o.g. 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl turning ’round and ’round ’til the wee wee hours! Eccentric postcards from the old weird America addressed to you in the here and now! The wild rumble way down deep below the big city after dark! NYC’s longest-running weekly rock’n’roll dance and a NYC institution since 2008… Get down in the basement!
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Saturday, November 25 San Francisco, CA – The Chapel: NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off w/Jonathan Toubin, contest selector Jello Biafra, Apache, and more Jonathan Toubin and the 21st Century’s most popular and most prolific soul party hit the Chapel another night of supreme soul satisfaction. Get there early for a performance by the bay area’s legendary Apache! Shake a tail feather ’til late to Jonathan Toubin’s 45rpm soul magic! This time with contest DJ Jello Biafra and much more tba!
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by nynt on November 16th, 2017

Friday, November 17 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin , 10:30pm – 4am, $5: New York Night Train’s weekly Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down fiesta! Do the wiggle to the wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom of Jonathan Toubin’s most exciting and exquisite o.g. 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl turning ’round and ’round ’til the wee wee hours! Eccentric postcards from the old weird America addressed to you in the here and now! The wild rumble way down deep below the big city after dark! NYC’s longest-running weekly rock’n’roll dance and a NYC institution since 2008… Get down in the basement!
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Saturday, November 18 Hudson, NY – The Half Moon: NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off w/Jonathan Toubin $10: Jonathan Toubin and the 21st Century’s most popular and most prolific soul party return to The Half Moon for another night of supreme soul satisfaction
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by nynt on November 10th, 2017

Friday, November 10 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin and guest dee jay L.A. Record’s Chris Ziegler, 10:30pm – 4am, $5: New York Night Train’s weekly Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down fiesta! Do the wiggle to the wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom of Jonathan Toubin’s most exciting and exquisite o.g. 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl turning ’round and ’round ’til the wee wee hours! Eccentric postcards from the old weird America addressed to you in the here and now! The wild rumble way down deep below the big city after dark! NYC’s longest-running weekly rock’n’roll dance and a NYC institution since 2008… Get down in the basement! This week Toubin will be joined by fabulous guest dee jay L.A. Record editor and co-founder Chris Ziegler!
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Saturday, November 11 (early, 10AM) New York, NY – Barnes and Noble Upper West Side, “We’re Going To Be Friends” reading and signing with Jack White, April March, and DJ Jonathan Toubin, FREE with RSVP: Jack White and Elinor Blake AKA April March have a new children’s book and celebrate its release on the east coast with Jonathan Toubin
info | facebook event

Saturday, November 11 Montreal – Bar Le Ritz: NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off w/Jonathan Toubin, Pale Lips, and more… $8 / $10: Jonathan Toubin brings soul party #1 to Montreal for a healthy dose of laissez le bon temps rouler!
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by nynt on November 2nd, 2017

Friday, November 3 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin, 10:30pm – 4am, $5: After over 90 years of tyranny, this week NYC’s infamous Cabaret Law has finally been struck down! It’s now legal to dance in NYC! Come celebrate at New York Night Train’s weekly Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down fiesta! Do the wiggle to the wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom of Jonathan Toubin’s most exciting and exquisite o.g. 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl turning ’round and ’round ’til the wee wee hours! Eccentric postcards from the old weird America addressed to you in the here and now! The wild rumble way down deep below the big city after dark! NYC’s longest-running weekly rock’n’roll dance and a NYC institution since 2008… Get down in the basement!
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Saturday, November 4 (early, 11AM) Los Angeles, CA – Barnes and Noble the Grove, “We’re Going To Be Friends” reading and signing with Jack White, April March, and DJ Jonathan Toubin, FREE with RSVP: Jack White and Elinor Blake AKA April March have a new children’s book and celebrate its release on the west coast with Jonathan Toubin
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Saturday, November 4 Los Angeles, CA – Zebulon: NY Night Train Dance Party with Jonathan Toubin and special guest BeyondaDoubt, 10pm-2am, $7: Jonathan Toubin returns to his buddies at Zebulon for a night of eclectic “Maximum Rock’n’Soul” dancing! With a special appearance by thee amazing dee jay BeyondaDoubt!
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by nynt on October 31st, 2017

– TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 – KNOCKDOWN CENTER: NY NIGHT TRAIN HAUNTED HOP HAUNTED HOUSE AND MULTIMEDIA DANCE PARTY WITH SHANNON AND THE CLAMS, KID CONGO AND THE PINK MONKEY BIRDS, ESCAPE-ISM (new Ian Svenonius solo project), PAINT FUMES, NUDE PARTY, JONATHAN TOUBIN, HOWIE PYRO, TODD-O-PHONIC TODD, and a cast of thousands in a labyrinth of spooky party rooms!. Check the facebook event for full lineup and schedule! Get tickets now! facebook event | tickets
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by nynt on October 27th, 2017

– Wednesday, October 25 Chicago, IL – The Hideout: NY Night Train Haunted Hop haunted house and multimedia dance party w/Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Jonathan Toubin, Spencer Bewley, and more facebook event | tickets
– Thursday, October 26 Detroit, MI – Third Man: NY Night Train Haunted Hop haunted house and multimedia dance party w/Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Jonathan Toubin, Spencer Bewley, and more facebook event | tickets
– Friday, October 27 Columbus, OH – Double Happiness: NY Night Train Haunted Hop haunted house and multimedia dance party w/Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Jonathan Toubin, Spencer Bewley, and more facebook event | tickets

Friday, October 27 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Howie Pyro and friends, 10:30pm – 4am, $5 (FREE before 11pm): A special Halloween edition of New York Night Train’s weekly Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down fiesta with dee jay Howie Pyro! Do the wiggle to the wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom of Jonathan Toubin’s most exciting and exquisite o.g. 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl turning ’round and ’round ’til the wee wee hours! Eccentric postcards from the old weird America addressed to you in the here and now! The wild rumble way down deep below the big city after dark! NYC’s longest-running weekly rock’n’roll dance and a NYC institution since 2008… Get down in the basement!
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– Saturday, October 28 Pittsburgh, PA – Spirit Lodge: NY Night Train Haunted Hop haunted house and multimedia dance party w/Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Jonathan Toubin, Spencer Bewley, and more facebook event | tickets
– Sunday, October 29 Washington, DC – Comet Ping Pong: NY Night Train Haunted Hop haunted house and multimedia dance party w/Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, Jonathan Toubin, and more facebook event | tickets
– Monday, October 30 Philadelphia, PA – Johnny Brenda’s: NY Night Train Haunted Hop haunted house and multimedia dance party w/Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, The Whips, Jonathan Toubin, Spencer Bewley, and more facebook event | tickets
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