by nynt on February 16th, 2017

Friday, February 17 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin Thee most exciting 1950s/1960s party 45s ever rotating all night long in all of their sleek black vinyl sexyness! THEE HEEBY JEEBIES OF THE WILDEST EARLY ROCK’N’ROLL! ECCENTRIC POSTCARDS FROM THE OLD WEIRD AMERICA DIRECTLY TO YOU IN THE HERE AND NOW!
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Saturday, February 18 Kingston, NY: NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off: w/live Daddy Long Legs followed by dancing with DJ Jonathan Toubin, and Midnight $100 Dance-Off with DJ Tony Fletcher, author of the new Wilson Pickett bio “In The Midnight Hour” with judges Will Hermes (speaking of authors… NPR, NY Times, Rolling Stone, etc writer and author of thee contemporary classic “Love Goes To Buildings On Fire”!!!! ), MK (Radio Woodstock 101.1WDST / Locally Grown), Tom AKA DJ Squirrelsuit (Qeenston), Tracy and Jamie (Brunette Wine Bar), and Eryn (PAKT)
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by nynt on February 14th, 2017

Tuesday, February 14 Brooklyn, NY – Annual Bust / NY Night Train / Panache Valentines Day Village of Love Rock’n’Roll Review and Dance benefitting Planned Parenthood with live
Kid Congo Powers (12:45)
Reigning Sound (12:20)
Eleanor Friedberger (12:00)
???? (11:40)
Escape-Ism (Ian Svenonius) (11:20)
Delicate Steve (10:50)
Gary Lucas (10:30)
Austin Brown of Parquet Courts (10:10)
Juan Wauters (9:40)
Cult of Youth / Wind Atlas Collab (9:20)
Rev. Vince Anderson and his Love Choir (9:00)
Baby Shakes (8:15)
Surfbort (8:05)
Alana Amram & The Rough Gems (7:45)
Breanna Barbara (7:30)
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by nynt on February 9th, 2017

Friday, February 10 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin: Thee most exciting 1950s/1960s party 45s ever rotating all night long in all of their sleek black vinyl sexyness! THEE HEEBY JEEBIES OF THE WILDEST EARLY ROCK’N’ROLL! ECCENTRIC POSTCARDS FROM THE OLD WEIRD AMERICA DIRECTLY TO YOU IN THE HERE AND NOW! We turn up the heat even more than usual as JT’s favorite soul singer NATHANIEL “NAY DOG” MAYER would’ve turned 73 tonight and you better believe you’ll get an earful of his raw soul magic and then some…

Sunday, February 12 Brooklyn, NY – Union Pool: Valentines Market (1pm – 7pm): all of the neighborhood’s finest artisans will be in full effect Sunday as Awesome Alison spins all day before concluding with a 6pm power set by NY Night Train Soul Proprietor Jonathan Toubin!
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by nynt on February 1st, 2017

Friday, February 3 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin: Thee most exciting and exquisite 1950s/1960s 45s rotating all night long in all of their sleek black vinyl sexyness! FLAMIN’ HAUTE PARTY WAX! THEE HEEBY JEEBIES OF THE WILDEST EARLY ROCK’N’ROLL! ECCENTRIC POSTCARDS FROM THE OLD WEIRD AMERICA DIRECTLY TO YOU IN THE HERE AND NOW! LET’S TAKE A TRIP!
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Saturday, February 4 Calgary, CA – The Palomino – NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off: Soul party number one braves 0 degrees fahrenheit to heat up thee great white north when they need it most! Shake it ’til you break it to downstairs to the 45rpm 1960s soul magic of Jonathan Toubin, DJ Tubbs, and Carl Cassidy! live performances upstairs by Crystal Eyes, Real Sickies, Lab Coast and Child Actress! MIDNIGHT $100 DANCE-OFF with selector Matt Wickens of The Mandates and a distinguished panel of judges
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by nynt on January 27th, 2017

Friday, January 27 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Kid Congo Powers and special guest Baby Alcatraz (Washington, DC’s Shout Bamalama): While the cat’s away the mice are gonna play! Thee amazing Kid Congo Powers, of course of Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds and formerly of The Cramps, The Gun Club, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and many other legendary musical aggregations comes to NYC to take over tnee Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down 1950s/1960s rock’n’soul 45 shindig while Jonathan Toubin is in Denmark! Tonight look forward to guest sets by Washington, DC’s fabulous Baby Alcatraz of Shout Bamalama and Fridays at Velvet Lounge! Get down in the basement!
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Friday, January 27 – 28 Alborg, Denmark: Jonathan Toubin heads to Northern Denmark to do two dance parties at Aalborg’s big party with Chrome, Omar Souleyman, Bob Log, and many more!
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by nynt on January 19th, 2017

Friday, January 20 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin: Kick out the jams to Jonathan Toubin’s burning 45rpm get down wax! Cracklin’ transmissions from the old weird America all the way to your hula hips and shakin’ shoulders! Let it out to raw restless railroad beat of supreme 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” relentlessly rotating in its o.g. 45rpm black vinyl party platter glory all night long! This machine kills fascists…
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Saturday, January 21 Brooklyn, NY – Brooklyn Bowl – NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off w/Jonathan Toubin and the NY Night Train Shadown Dancers, Parquet Courts’ Austin Brown, Mighty Fine’s Steve Myers, etc. 11pm doors, 12pm-4am dancing, 1am contest, 21+, $10: Shake the trump from your rump as thee world’s favorite soul party returns to Brooklyn Bowl for a night of soul transcendence, sonic fireworks, dance, and visuals! Get down between Midnight and 4am to the o.g. 45rpm vinyl soul stimulation of DJ Jonathan Toubin accompanied by the kinetic illumination of NY Night Train Shadow Dancers Dee Dee Dame and Erin Sheehy… Get in the cathartic and communal 1AM DANCE-OFF – determined by a fair democratic process where the candidate who gets the most votes wins… 1st prize is $100 and 2nd is a $75 Metropolis Vintage Gift Certificate! With DJ Austin Brown of Parquet Courts, MC Steve Myers of Mighty Fine, and determined by the following distinguished panel of judges: Breanna Barbara, Caroline Shadood (Mute Records), Christiana Bartolini (Daptone Records), Joe Thomas and Kori Adefunmi (legendary nyc security to the stars), L.A. Solano and Mike Brandon (Mystery Lights), and OJ San Felipe (OCDPP/Chorizo). CATCH THE CLAP!
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– Tuesday, January 24 Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY- Doris: Unexpected Pleasures with DJ Jonathan Toubin
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by nynt on January 12th, 2017

Friday, January 13 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin: You’re in luck this Friday the 13th! Jonathan Toubin is at Home Sweet Home! And the restless railroad beat of supreme 1950s/1960s “maximum rock’n’soul” vinyl will rotate all night long in all of its sleek black vinyl sexyness! FLAMIN’ HAUTE PARTY WAX!… THEE HEEBY JEEBIES OF THE WILDEST EARLY ROCK’N’ROLL! ECCENTRIC POSTCARDS FROM THE OLD WEIRD AMERICA DIRECTLY TO YOU IN THE HERE AND NOW!… NO COMPUTERS! NO CDJs! THE SOUND OF THE ORIGINAL AUTHENTIC SINGLES! None of the usual! All wild! All fresh! All timeless! All killer! All night! A consistently unique alternative to the rest… EVERY FRIDAY SINCE 2008!… GET DOWN IN THEE BASEMENT!
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and.. Saturday in Jersey City…
Saturday, January 14 Jersey City, NJ – WFMU’s Monty Hall – NY Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off with Jonathan Toubin plus live Sunshine and the Rain, Quitty and the Don’ts, and more, 8pm-2am, $10: WFMU’s amazing Monty Hall just got a new dance floor and Jonathan Toubin is crossing the Hudson to break it in with his world famous soul vinyl dance party! Warm up with Quitty and the Don’ts and Sunshine and the Rain then get down to Toubin’s black gold ’til 2am. Also get in the $100 MIDNIGHT DANCE CONTEST with WFMU’s own TODD-O-PHONIC TODD and a distinguished panel of judges… CATCH THE CLAP!
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by nynt on January 5th, 2017

Friday, January 6 New York, NY – Home Sweet Home: Shakin’ All Over Under Sideways Down! w/Jonathan Toubin: Shake a tail feather to Jonathan Toubin’s flamin’ haute party wax! Cracklin’ transmissions from the old weird America to you there on the dance floor! The restless railroad beat of supreme 1950s/1960s rock’n’soul rotating all night long in all of its sleek black vinyl sexyness! A consistently unique alternative to the rest… EVERY FRIDAY FOR 8 1/2 YEARS!… GET DOWN IN THEE BASEMENT!
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and.. Saturday in Crown Heights…

Saturday, January 7 Brooklyn, NY – Friends and Lovers: Soul Night 3rd Anniversary Party w/The Whips live and DJs Cat Fancy, Fine Wine, One Mint Julep, Mikey Post, and Jonathan Toubin, 8pm, $5: Brooklyn’s own Northern Soul, Motown, and Girl Group night celebrates its third birthday this Saturday! Get there early because the festivities kick off with a 9PM set by Philadelphia’s THE WHIPS followed by an epic cast of NYC DJs turning soul 45s ’til thee wee wee hours for your dancing pleasure – residents CAT FANCY (SF’s 1965), MR FINE WINE (WFMU Downtown Soulville), and ONE MINT JULEP (WFMU Honkey Tonk Radio Girl) plus special guests MIKEY POST (Daptone Records) and JONATHAN TOUBIN!
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