Videos - Sounds- Images- Press Pics (300 dpi)
An amazing video from the March 2013 NYC Soul Clap filmed and edited by James Jones:
01 Jonathan Toubin's NY Night Train Soul Clap Classics Vol. 3 by New York Night Train
Here're a few pics by two of NYC's favorite underground photographers, snapped at the same Soul Clap from 2009 to illustrate the run of a typical New York Night Train Soul Clap and Dance-Off party (go here to view more conemporary party photos). While the NYC Clap became far too big to be run in this manner many years ago, most editions of the 21st Century's favorite soul party in nightclubs worldwide still retain the format described below.

another fine flier by NY Night Train conductor/DJ Mr Jonathan Toubin |

by Nicholas Gazin
Packed as usual! |

by Nicholas Gazin
NYC's most prominent citizens surround the DJ booth: Josh Styles of Stalkers, Alex Moyer of Fine Style reggae night, Blake of Outta Controllers, Ray from Crack Pips (visiting from Austin), Josh Case who sometimes plays with his dad Peter Case and works for Dylan's radio show, Charley of Don Pedro's, and Patrick and Chris Teenager of Foster Care |

by Nicholas Gazin
Renaissance woman/promoter/Todd P staff Alaina Stamatis of Market Hotel |

by Nicholas Gazin
Brooklyn punk rock legend OJ of Golden Triangle/X-Ray Eyeballs fame! |

by Nicholas Gazin
Derek Maxwell - the Glasslands' awesome soundman who makes the soul sound super-sweet and doesn't have a sound man-y personality. Check it and see... |

by Nicholas Gazin
Yet another handsome crowd is out tonight and ready to get down... |

by Jackie Roman
Everybody's soul clappin'! |

by Nicholas Gazin
DJ Jonathan Toubin is faklempt! |

by Jackie Roman
The dancers sign up for the contest and get a number! |

by Jackie Roman
They're stoked to get in the Dance-Off! |

by Nicholas Gazin
The Judges take the stage! (hubba! hubba!) photographer Jackie Roman, fashion designer Alexander Campaz, chanteuse Ana Lola Roman, MC Laura Leigh, artist Micki Pellerano, Golden Triangle bassist Alix Brown, and drum legend Frankie Rose (ex-Vivian Girls, Crystal Stilts, Dum Dum Girls) of new band Frankie and the Outs! |

by Nicholas Gazin
The competition is on! |

by Jackie Roman
And it's fierce! |

by Nicholas Gazin
This gentlemen has had enough! |

by Nicholas Gazin
Two of the contestants are "dirty dancing"! |

by Jackie Roman
The contestants wait to find out who wins |

by Jackie Roman
We don't remember who won... But everybody had fun... And Soul Party #1... had just begun - chuggin' 'til the venue said "done".. |
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jonathan not only plays the types of public events listed here but also does regular weddings, birthday parties, and corporate events
Alisa Preisler at Ground Control Touring
Clemence Renaut at ATC Live
Listen to JT's mixes on soundcloud or his NYNT DAILY PARTY PLATTER on youtube
Buy Jonathan Toubin's NY Night Train "Souvenirs of The Soul Clap" on Norton Records
Read Soul Clap/Jonathan Toubin press here.
Find Mr Jonathan Toubin's promotional pictures for print and online here.