July 3 - July 9, 2006




July 3, 2006

Reverend Vince Anderson and His Love Choir – Black Betty FREE

I wasn’t on it. I was a little late getting word that Reverend Vince Anderson was celebrating two years of his Monday revival at Black Betty last Monday. But this week I’m redeeming myself by spreading the gospel to New York Night Train readers. The Rev’s weekly residency are a decade-long tradition going way back to Avenue B Social Club (now Manitoba’s), a brief stint at The Continental, a five-year lease at Pete’s Candy Store, now two at Black Betty. I imagine I’m also forgetting or merely ignorant of a few places where the Rev has goneweekly.

If you’ve never witnessed the power of the Reverend Vince's love, or you haven’t been for a few years, there’s no time like the present. The Rev is a first-rate entertainer, storyteller, songwriter, vocalist, organist, bandleader, and all-around musician. His band, The Love Choir, is currently at their best, sweatiest, and funky-est - featuring the incredibly soulful one-woman New York baritone sax institution otherwise known as Paula Henderson (James Chance, Moisturizer, Burnt Sugar, etc.), and the entire Pleasure Unit (RIP) – which means one of the best rhythm sections going - as well and, when he’s in town, choice R&B/blues/funk guitar licks supplied by none other than TV on the Radio’s Jaleel Bunton. And, as always with Vince, it will cost you neither a dime nor your soul…


"Satan Hates ME" MP3
"Fallen From the Fray"MP3
"Tryin' to Be An Asshole" MP3


Andrew Raffo Dewar and guests – The Stone 10PM $10
Anthony Pateras, Okkyung Lee, and Anthony Burr – Tonic 10PM $10
Fertile Crescent, Fast Fourier, BJ Warshaw - Cake Shop $5
Jose Gonzalez, Juana Molina, Psapp - Bowery Ballroom $20
Skip Laplante and Music for Homemade Instruments – The Stone 8PM $10
Thanksgiving , Burd Early – Cake Shop
The Moonlighters – Rodeo Bar FREE
Tyft: Andrew D'Angelo, Hilmar Jensson & Jim Black – Tonic 8PM $10







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