this week's New York Night Train show list go
here. For information about the venues go
here. Click the names in bold to learn more about
the artists.
Recommendations for Wednesday, March 8, 2006

things, Knife Skills, the Good Good – Union Pool
If I had to pick only one show tonight, it’d probably
be n0 things, Knife Skills, and the Good Good at Union Pool.
Not only is Union Pool an under-rated place to see a show,
but this is one of the better bills they’ve had. The
n0 things are a bit of a super-group featuring guiarist/vocalist
Christian Dautresme of HiM and the brutal original rhythm
section of Liars - Pat Noecker and Ron Albertson. Like the
Liars, the band is rooted in the post-punk, but slithers around
quite a few other heavy destinations on the sonic map. n0
things are definitely one of the new things to watch. The
trio Knife Skills clearly has some of the best promo photos
ever and is quite capable of the occasional chaotic blistering
blast through the skull – accomplished and unique as
Langford - Bowery Poetry Club $10: The old man's
back again! What hasn't been said... you're already there...
Chemical Wedding group art show opening - Live With Animals
(210 Kent Ave, Brooklyn) 6pm - 9pm: usually art shows
don't appear here but we've loosened the rules this time because
Micki Pellerano and Vashti Windish have assembled no small
number of musical pieces and works by musicians.
Tron, Akimbo, The Dead Betties - Knitting Factory Tap Bar
$8: Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower cancelled but
you can't really beat the artful pandemonium of upstate's
mighty Genghis Tron.
Wedding Present, Sally Crew and The Sudden Moves - Bowery
Ballroom: The return of a band that's always been
a bit of a gamble, but their rabid cult are now gonna find
me for saying that they're anything less than brilliant all
the time.
Morris and Kenny Wollesen (Stone Benefit) – The Stone
Jonathan Kane's February, Arnold Dreyblatt, Rhys Chatham –
Tonic $12/$15
topographies by gill arno, richard garet, andy graydon, adam
kendall, jeremy slater – ISSUE Project Room
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