Ninth Ward Marching Band
The big secret
has always been that one of the finest underground music scenes
in the United States resides in New Orleans' Ninth Ward. Because
they tend to care more about making music, having a party, and entertaining
their friends than trying to push themselves or their music on the
outside world, they’ve always been somewhat isolated. The
most notable exception is
Mr Quintron and Miss Pussycat – who have been
steadily cultivating a substantial fan base with over a decade of
constant recording and touring. And also, in the last year alone
I've seen at least half a dozen Ninth Ward bands in New York. While
this phenomenon was underway before Katrina, the exile scattered
the bees and their music around the country. Despite the recent
activity, the indie community has given these artists (sans Quintron)
very little coverage and hasn't sufficiently addressed the question
of what Katrina means for this colorful, uncompromising, and tightly-knit
music scene. A number of the Ninth's finest bands broke up due to
the scattering of members and quite a few entire bands relocated.
These problems can be added to the obvious local concerns that you
hear about in the everyday media. I decided to get in touch with
my few friends left in New Orleans to try to get a line on their
experiences during the hurricane and in exile– as well as
their opinions of what this all means for their city, their neighborhood,
and, most of all their music.
While this
is primarily a New York music magazine, I've chosen to address the
Ninth Ward underground music scene for a few reasons. First, like
quite a few other folks that I know, the New Orleans Ninth Ward
music scene has been an important part of my cultural experience
as both a person and a musician - and a substantial influence to
boot. Secondly, since all of the gang's been scattered around the
country, New York has had the good fortune of hosting no small number
of New Orleans musicians - though not as many as in Texas and California.
Third, a small but significat portion of New York's underground
is from either New Orleans or its sister scenes all the way up to
Memphis - who share a common subcultural experience (seeing the
same bands, people moving back-and-forth, etc.). And finally, the
unfortunate events that have befallen these musicians are the problems
of the overall underground community in general - and, though we
were a bit later than mainstream folks like say, Motley Cru or Sean
Penn, New York's larege assortment of subterranean scenes have put
on no shortage of benefits and other attempts to help in the last
few months.
Though I’ve
been outside of the New Orleans loop for many years, the Ninth Ward,
its residents, its parties, and its music are forever present in
my thoughts and in my heart. So when Katrina went down, one of the
big questions that I had that wasn’t really answered is, "What
will happen to this little piece of the subcultural map that means
so much to me?" I had seen a fair amount of mass media coverage
of all of the great jazz, R&B, funk, etc. - but the underground
music media has yet to sufficiently address their New Orleans brethren.
Overall I was sympathetic to the plight of the Ninth Ward musicians
but not too worried because I knew that, as long as these people
were alive, everything I like about the place would live on –
they’re not weaklings by any stretch of the imagination. And
they're in the process of proving it - Mardi Gras is on, Quintron's
Ninth Ward Marching Band are currently practicing to hit the streets,
mainstays like MC Trachiotomy are playing shows, there're a million
parties, and there's quite a bit going on at The Circle Bar and
other spots. So this small neighborhood subculture is soldiering
on and taking it from where it left off - maybe even with more of
a sense of purpose than before.
As with the
last issue, I’ve decided that this story should come from
the horse’s mouth. While the list of musicians covered here
by no means reflect the Ninth Ward underground as a whole, it is
a random sampling: some
of whom dug in for the hurricane and others who evacuated, some
who’ve decided to stick around, and others who’re starting
over elsewhere, some whose bands broke up, and others who are still
together, some who had everything destroyed, and others whose lives
and possessions remained intact, some who fear that the New Orleans
they know and love will never return, and others who guarantee that
it's already coming back. They discuss the New Orleans “police,”
damage, rescuing friends and neighbors, sneaking in and out of town,
surveying damage, insurance, charities, reception from out-of-town
communities, and a number of other topics. I hope you make it through
because there’s a variety of viewpoints from a wide array
of musicians – and it’s one heck of an entertaining
read to boot. Use this not only to learn about what happened from
the people who lived it, but also to initiate your own New Orleans
underground music exploration. Again, there's much more out there
than what you see here... And get a last-minute ticket down to Mardi
Gras – this year promises to be one of the best.
I’m going
to play a couple of shows down there this coming weekend and will
hopefully get more of the scoop from the locals – and when
I return I’ll be able to fill you in on what goes on - with
more songs, stories, and pictures. Until then, enjoy, open your
ears, and don’t forget to visit the charities section if you
have a little extra cash and want to help out.
Finally, I'd
like to give a shout out to the musicians who shared their stories,
sounds, and photos with us: E.P., John Henry, Kid Twist, Lefty Parker,
MC Trachiotomy, Miss O, and Ratty Scurvics - may the world be yr
collective dawg.
Au Revior Mes
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New York Night Train , 2006