Friday, November 4th
Ding Dong Lounge, Manhattan, 9PM

Bob Taylor of The Latest.
The sleeper pick of the week
has got to be The Latest and The Turpentine Brothers way uptown
at the Ding Dong Lounge. Time to Take The A-Train...
The Latest are a Texas super-group
of sorts - in Chicago. Former-Hamicks frontman Bob Taylor, guitarist
Killian Sweeney from De Schmog, and artist Keith Herzig are all
from Texas. As for Mike Fitzpatrick from The White Outs (who were
not from Texas but did contained Arman Mabry of The Fuck Emo's and
Dave Head of The Motards), and Bill "CoCoComa" Roe, their
origins remains mysterious.
What isn't mysterious is the
fact that this bunch makes some great rock and roll. By no means
as loud, fast, and dissonant as The Hamicks, the band is sort of
Velvet-een, folksy, and straightforward - but has tendencies to
go off in unusual directions. Furthermore, the inimitable voice
of Taylor - still vibrato-crazy, but more full-bodied with age -
when coupled with his fractured songcraft and his unusual stage
presence, keep The Latest in weird outsider art territory. The Latest
are, in the tradition of Moby Grape, Buffalo Springfield, and Love,
a three guitar band. Taylor, Sweeney, and Herzig together do a fine
job of treading the waters between utter cacophony and tender melody.
This is their first trip to NYC.
The Turpentine Brothers are
a Boston outfit that features Mr. Airplane drummer Tara McManus.
A Boston R&B band with an organ, they may make you think of
the Lyres, but have more to do with late-period Oblivians.
I have a sneaking suspicion
that the Cabaret Law may get violated once again.
© New York
Night Train , 2005